1. Activist Support
Defendants Meetings
If you have been arrested a part of a mass arrest at a protest, meeting others in the same position can be very helpful both practically and emotionally. If we have your contact details (contact us to make sure!), we will email you and let you know of any planned defendants meetings.
Action Debriefs
If you have been involved in an action as a legal observer, we run action debriefs, either separately, or as part of our regular meetings. Contact us to find out when we are debriefing for your action.
Activist Trauma Support
Have a website with resources about mental health from an activist perspective.
Counselling for Social Change
Offer low cost counselling in Cornwall and FREE phone counselling for activists.
The Free Psychotherapy Network
Are a loose network of therapists offering therapy for people who can’t afford it, see their website for more info. They also have a page which links to other low cost therapy.