Legal Observer Training - 21st & 28th April (ONLINE)

Date(s) - 21/04/2024
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm


This training is now full!

Legal Observers are an essential part of the support we provide at protests. Whether they’re handing out key advice on bust cards, or finding witnesses for arrests, legal observers help to ensure that people protesting don’t face the legal system alone.

If you complete this training you will be expected to become part of a wider national solidarity network of legal observers. You will be expected to volunteer as a legal observer at least once every few months, including supporting a wide variety of protests.

You can read more about what a legal observer is in this guide.

To participate in this LO training, you must have attended one of our Know Your Rights trainings.

This LO training will be happening online, via Zoom, over two sessions: 2pm-5pm on Sunday 21st April AND 2pm-5pm on Sunday 28th April 2024. Please note you MUST attend both days to complete the training.


Please note, these trainings are in high demand. Signing up does NOT guarantee you a place. We will contact you to confirm whether you have a space on Wednesday 17th, so please keep an eye on your inbox (including spam folder).


Access needs:

There will be two 10 minute breaks on each day.

Live auto captions will be available.

We will also give content notes for policing, state violence, racism, ableism, transphobia and transmisogyny, stop & search. Please let us know if you’d like any other content notes (in the ‘Other Access Needs’ box).

We want to make these trainings accessible to everyone, so please do let us know any access needs you feel are relevant.


Key Messages

  • No Comment
  • You do not need to answer police questions, so don’t.

  • No Personal Details
  • You don't have to give details under ANY stop and search power.

  • No Duty Solicitor
  • Use a recommended solicitor with protest experience.

  • No Caution
  • They admit guilt for an alleged offence that might never get to court.

  • What Power?
  • Ask "What power?" to challenge a police officer to act lawfully.
